Deutsch Intern
  • Studentin holt Bücher aus einem Regal in der Bibliothek
University Library

Interlibrary loan

  1. Open the catalogue and log in.
  2. Fill in the search fields.
  3. Go to the "Catalogues" tab page and click on "Expand selection of databases automatically" or on "Extend search (Interlibrary loan)".
  4. Find the title you want.
  5. In the detailed view, choose "Get it".
  6. Click on "ILL order".
  7. Use the "Interlibrary loan request (Book, etc.)" form, to add any extra information required.
  8. To send your request, choose "Send interlibrary loan request".
  9. When the book is available (after around two weeks), you will receive an e-mail and the information will appear in your library account.

  1. Your e-mail address must be saved in the ‘User data’ of your library account in order to order and deliver items.
  2. Open the catalogue and log in.
  3. Enter the title of the journal or book.
    Tip: For journals, set the document type to "Journal".
  4. Go to the "Catalogues" tab page and click on "Expand selection of databases automatically" or on "Extend search (Interlibrary loan)".
  5. Find the title you want.
  6. In the detaiedl view, choose "Get it".
  7. Click on "ILL order".
    Tip: Sometimes the link can be found under "Further options".
  8. For journals, enter the year and/or volume required.
  9. For books, click on "Request copy from this book" at the end of the "Interlibrary loan request (book etc.)" form.
  10. Add any missing information on the "Interlibrary loan (copy from …)" form.
  11. To send your request, choose "Send interlibrary loan request".
  12. Your order is usually delivered by e-mail with a download link. After clicking on the link, log in with your library ID and you can access the desired article as a PDF file.


In the catalogue, click on "Information" in the menu bar at the top right. Go to "Further options" – "Interlibrary loan request".

Choose and complete the form you need.

In Germany interlibrary loan is regulated by the Regulations on Library Loans (Leihverkehrsordnung). (PDF, 60 KB).

Books are usually free to order. Ordering articles is usually free of charge.

For interested parties from the city and region, costs are incurred if more than 10 articles are ordered per calendar year. 

Explanatory videos