Deutsch Intern
  • Studentin holt Bücher aus einem Regal in der Bibliothek
University Library

Loan period, renewal, returns

Loan periods

Books: 30 opening days

DVDs: 7 opening days

If your account includes an e-mail address, we will send you a reminder before your item’s loan period comes to an end.


If a book is not reserved, you can extend the loan period twice. You can do this in the five days before the loan period ends.

  1. Log on to your library account using your University Library number and password.
  2. Go to "Loans" to see the items you have borrowed.
  3. Click on ‘Renew item" to renew one item or "Renew account" to renew all items.
  4. Make sure to check the end date of the new loan period for each item and which items you were not able to renew.

Returning borrowed items

Items borrowed from the Main Library can be returned as follows:

  • at the return terminals of the Main Library. The two terminals on the outside of the building (approx. 50 m to the right of the entrance in the direction of the Mensa) are also available outside opening hours.
  • to the law departmental library
  • By post to the following address: Universitätsbibliothek, Leihstelle, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
    Please note that items returned by post must be received by us before the end of the loan period.

Items borrowed from our departmental libraries can be returned as follows:

  • Please return the media to the respective departmental library.
  • Books from our departmental libraries with RFID lending (Departmental Library for Business Management and Economics, Departmental Library for Cultural, Historical and Earth Sciences, Departmental Library for English, Germanic and Romance Language & Literatures, Departmental Library for Law, Departmental Library for Mathematics, Departmental Library for Psychology, Departmental Library for Theology,  Wittelsbacherplatz Departmental Library, Departmental Library ZOM ZIM) can also be returned at the return terminals of the Main Library.
  • Please return psychological tests to the place where you borrowed them, i.e. to the Departmental Library for Psychology, the Wittelsbacherplatz Departmental Library or the Departmental Library for Cultural, Historical and Earth Sciences.

Late return charges

The General Regulations on the Use of Bavarian State Libraries – ABOB, of 18 August 1993 (Allgemeine Benützungsordnung der Bayerischen Staatlichen Bibliotheken, available in the German language only for legal reasons) requires us to charge fees for late returns.

In accordance with sections 1, 2, 6, 8 and 13 of the Cost Law (Kostengesetz) and the Regulation on the Enactment of the Cost Catalogue for the Cost Law (Verordnung über den Erlass des Kostenverzeichnisses zum Kostengesetz), the following charges apply:

  1. Reminder to return items - €7,50
  2. Reminder to return items - €10
  3. Reminder to return items - €20 plus postage
  4. Notice of fine (determining costs for replacement purchase / value replacement) - €30 plus postage

Please return your items immediately and pay the administration charge

  • Via bank transfer to Staatsoberkasse Bayern (make sure to state your reference number)
  • by PayPal or credit card Kreditkarte via the ePayBayern (stating your reference number)