Deutsch Intern
  • Studentin holt Bücher aus einem Regal in der Bibliothek
University Library

Request and delivery conditions

  • To view the office address we have saved in our records, go to your library account and choose My details > user details > adress data.
  • If your office address is on the Hubland Süd campus, you will need to collect requests yourself.
  • If your office address is on the Hubland Nord campus or outside the Hubland campus, we will deliver requests to an issue point near you.

List of issue points

  • If you are required to collect in person, please use the University Library catalogue for your requests and reservations. You can borrow media from the reading rooms of the Main Library yourself at the circulation machines (2nd floor, 1st floor and ground floor).
  • If you are eligible for deliveries, you can also request items from the Main Library reading rooms. To do so, please use the catalogue for employees eglible for delivery.
  • If you are eligible for our special lending conditions for academics, you can request journal articles from the Central Library collection using our online form: Loan requests (articles)

  • Items available for loan from the Main Library collection and interlibrary loans will be sent to your issue point. Items will be issued to your library account during dispatch.
  • Copies subject to a fee will only be sent to people eligible for our special lending conditions. Fees will be invoiced directly to your Chair/Institute or clinical department.

  • When collecting items from the Main Library or your issue point, you (or the person collecting on your behalf) will need to present your library card.
  • University employees not eligible for special lending conditions can collect requested copies from the information in the Main Library and pay their fees in cash.
  • Media from the Main Library or interlibrary loan that require special protection may only be used in the reading rooms of the Main Library. They are available for you in the red collection shelf in the Main Reading Room 1 or in the Special Collections Reading Room.
  • If you are using your JMU card as a library card and regularly ask other people to collect items for you, you can request a second card by sending an e-mail to our circulation desk administration. Please state your first and last name and your University Library number. If required, we will send your second card to your office address. If you lose your second card, please inform the circulation desk administration immediately.