Deutsch Intern
  • Studentin holt Bücher aus einem Regal in der Bibliothek
University Library

Lending conditions


If your office address is at Hubland Nord or outside the Hubland campus, we will deliver to you.

As an academic or lecturer, you will also be granted longer loan periods by the Central Library and can borrow items from the sectional libraries. When you request copies or international interlibrary loans, we will invoice your Chair/Institute or clinical department.

Applying the special lending conditions (PDF, 133 KB)

Request and delivery conditions

Guidelines on the use of departmental libraries (PDF, 187 KB)


Academics can use their JMU card as a library card; simply go to User-Portal to activate it. You will then receive special lending conditions automatically.

Do you not have a JMU Card or do you not want to use it as a library card? Then you will receive a library card with special borrowing conditions for the duration of your employment contract or teaching assignment. Please register for this:

Registration form for temporary participation (PDF, 118 KB)

Registration form for professors at the University of Würzburg (PDF, 115 KB)

Group leaders in receipt of special lending conditions can request an additional group account for their working group. This is usually limited to 3 years (extension possible).

Registration form for working and project groups (PDF, 119 KB)

Please send completed forms to:

University Library Würzburg
User services department
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

Extending temporary participation

If your employment contract respectively your teaching assignment is extended, we will adjust your special lending conditions accordingly. Please send a request by e-mail to the User Services management team (Frank Blümig, Tel. +49 931 31-85946,

If you have activated your JMU card, we will automatically extend your special lending conditions with every new employment contract.