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Download- and Print options for e-books

Special terms apply to the use of fee-based electronic services such as electronic journals, databases and e-books. Please check the copyright provisions and terms of use of the relevant publishing house or editor, which are usually provided on the publishing house’s servers. To access these services, you must comply with the terms and provisions.

In general, the following applies:

  • Access to full texts is granted to University of Würzburg members only.
  • The full texts of articles/ chapters may only be printed or saved for personal use and for teaching and research purposes.
  • Systematically downloading articles, chapters or search results, in particular using robots, is prohibited. Failure to comply with these terms and provisions may result in the entire campus being denied access to the publisher’s server!
  • Electronic or printed copies of articles/ chapters may not be passed on to third parties.
  • The commercial exploitation of search results is prohibited.

Fulltext search, download and print options for e-books

Publisher Download Print Specifics
123Library not possible yes (each title has a certain number of pages that can be printed per 30 days) Fulltext search possible
Beck (Beck Online;Beck eBibliothek) yes (by marking and copying) Mark can be printed; minor laws completely Access via VPN isn't possbile
Fulltext search available
Beltz     take a look at Content Select or Ciando
Blackwell Reference Online (BRO) yes (by marking and copying) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
Brill Online Companions yes (chapter-by-chapter or cmplete) yes (chapter-by-chapter or cmplete) Fulltext search possible
Cambridge yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
Ciando yes (Type A: 1 page ; Type B: several pages) yes (Type A: 1 page ; Type B: several pages) Type A (Single-User-Access): After downloading a title, it is blocked for other users
Type B (Multi-User-Access): E-Book download works for 8 hours
C.H. Beck yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
content-select (for exmaple on of the following publishersBeltz, Waxmann, UVK, ...) yes (chapter-by-chapter): you need to click on the print symbol of the respective chapter in the navigation bar yes (chapter-by-chapter): you need to click on the print symbol of the respective chapter in the navigation bar Fulltext search possible

other available publishers:
Kohlhammer, Julius Klinkhardt, Ernst Reinhardt, Wilhelm Fink, Facultas.wuw-Maudrich, Ferdinand Schöningh, Barbara Budrich, Narr Francke Attempo, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, WBG, W. Bertelsmann
De Gruyter yes (chapter by chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
many titles also in epub available
Duncker & Humblot yes (50 pages a session) yes (50 pages a session) to download a regsitration is needed; zum Download ist eine Registrierung erforderlich ; Prints of 10 pages are possbile without registration
Ebsco E-Book Collection (Netlibrary) yes (page-by-page) yes (page-by-page) 1000 titles: are not listed in the catalogue: you can search them via DBIS / Fulltextsearch
Elsevier yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter)  
Gale yes (by marking, copying and pasting into an texteditor or word processing software) yes (chapter-by-chapter)  
Hanser eLibrary yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
Humanities Online yes (full PDF-document) yes (full PDF-document)  
IMF eLibrary yes (full document) yes (full document) Fulltext search possible
John Benjamins yes (full PDF-document) yes (full PDF-document) Fulltext search possible
Karger yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) more than 420 titles: they are not listed in the catalogue; you can finde them via DBIS ; registration is required ; fulltext search possible
MyiLibrary yes (normally up to 10% of the total number of pages) yes (normally up to 10% of the total number of pages) Fulltext search possible
Narr yes (complete book/content in 1 PDF-file) yes (complete book/content in 1 PDF-file)  
Nomos yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
OECD iLibrary OECD iLibrary yes (complete book/content in 1 PDF-file or chapter-by-chapter) OECD iLibrary yes (complete book/content in 1 PDF-file or chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
Oldenbourg yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
Oxford Handbooks Online yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
Oxford Reference Online yes (by marking, copying and pasting into an texteditor or word processing software) Yes (single entries can be printed) Fulltext search possible
ProQuest EBook Central yes (chapter-by-chapter/ normally up to 10% of the total number of pages) yes (chapter-by-chapter/ normally up to 10% of the total number of pages) Fulltext search possible

In case of having just a 1User-Library the download is not possible.
Rodopi yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
Safari Books online yes (by marking, copying and pasting into a texteditor or word processing software) yes (single pages) more than 30.000 titles ; 3 individuals have simultaneously access to titles ; fulltext search possible
Salem Press yes (chapter-by chapter: by marking, copying and pasting into a texteditor or word processing software) yes (chapter-by-chapter) after registration: individual chapters can be saved, Fulltext search possible
Springerlink (VS-Verl. …) (VS-Verl. …)
yes (complete book/content in 1 PDF-file or chapter-by-chapter) ja (vollständig und kapitelweise)
yes (complete or chapter-by-chapter Fulltext search possible
Thieme yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
UTB yes (30 pages in one session yes (30 pages in one session The number of login sessions is not limited
Fulltext search possible
Wiley Online Library yes (chapter-by-chapter) yes (chapter-by-chapter) Fulltext search possible
WISO yes (full PDF-document) yes (full PDF-document) Fulltext search possible