Catalogue info
Catalogue information
In our catalogue, you can use search requests to search through the University Library collections and the content of over 900 further data sources. The results of the search will be presented in two hit lists.
"Catalogues" hit list
"Catalogues" lists items in the print or electronic collections in the University Library and the library of the University of Music. You can use "Database selection" to extend your search to include the collections in the library at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt and the Bavarian union catalogue. Our old collections in the Central Library and some sectional libraries have not yet been indexed in full. A list of these collections is provided on our overview page.
"Articles & more" hit list
"Articles & more" lists results from a variety of different data sources, including JSTOR, MLA and wiso Wirtschaftswissenschaften, the German-language database for business and economics.
Explore articles, journal articles, image sources and dictionary entries from journals, specialist databases and e-books from licensed and freely accessible providers.
This does not contain all databases licensed by us. We therefore recommend that you also use the DBIS database information system, to find specialist databases that you can search yourself.
Accessing content
Freely available document
Available only on the University network
Availability of full text cannot be determined. If you cannot access a title online, check the "Request" tab to see whether we have a print copy or request an interlibrary loan.
- No full text button: Use the "Request" tab to find out whether we have a print copy or request an interlibrary loan.
This overview provides information on downloading and printing e-books from various publishers.
The catalogue help section provides further information about the catalogue.