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University Library

Publishing of dissertations

How can I publish my doctoral thesis?

Have you passed your oral examination and been approved to print your doctoral thesis?
To receive your doctoral certificate, you will need to prove that your thesis has been published. We will provide confirmation once you have fulfilled your doctoral regulations for publication.

What are my publication options?

Your doctoral regulations specify the forms in which you can publish.

We will advise you on:

  • Potential publication routes in line with your doctoral regulations
  • Electronic publication on OPUS Würzburg
  • Publication with Würzburg University Press
  • Providing mandatory copies to the University Library

You can arrange an appointment via our web form.

If you want to publish research data connected to your thesis, you may use WueData, the research data repository of the University of Wuerzburg, or contact the team research data management for further assistance.


How do I publish on OPUS Würzburg?

  • Upload the file to OPUS Würzburg. For details, see the OPUS help page or contact us directly.
  • Provide us with a copy of the signed author contract (PDF, 88 KB) by post, fax, send a scan via e-mail or hand it in in person.
  • If your work is to be published in a journal, or you have applied for a patent, please submit an application for temporary non-publishing a dissertation (PDF, 32,3 KB).
  • Provide the mandatory printed copies to the University Library.


Where and when can I hand in my printed copies?

You can hand in your printed copies at the information during the opening hours of the Main Library. We will send the confirmation of receipt to your responsible dean's office if the documents are complete. If the documents are not complete, we will contact you by e-mail. You are also welcome to make an appointment for handing in and/or a personal consultation:

Thomas Engel
Andre Tomaschoff
Phone: +49 931 31-85925

Submission by post or internal mail is also possible:
Würzburg University Library
At Hubland
97074 Würzburg