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University Library

ORCID – Author identification

What is ORCID?


  • Creates personal identification numbers (ORCID iD).
  • Is a non-profit organisation independent of publishers. Its founding members include research institutions, publishers and funding organisations.

What are the benefits of an ORCID iD?


  • Are free and are allocated independent of published products.
  • Are unique and allow a person to be identified regardless of how common their name is, name changes, umlauts, etc.
  • Are permanent and can still be used after moving to a different institution.
  • Make it easier to show your research achievements to the wider world.
  • Can be used for various forms of publication and media.

How do I create an ORCID iD?

  • Register via (only name and e-mail address required).
  • You can add further information to your profile (optional).
  • You can link your publications with your ORCID iD (optional).


Video tutorial ORCID

How do I use my ORCID iD?

  • When submitting a publication (explanatory video): You can use your ORCID iD when submitting a publication to various publishers. The DataCite and CrossRef data sources should also be authorised in your ORCID profile. The publication will then be added to your ORCID profile automatically.
  • On your own homepage, in your e-mail signature, when submitting applications: Supplying your ORCID iD will make it easier for other people to find your publications. The list of publications on your homepage can be replaced with a link to your ORCID iD.
  • ORCID will link directly to the article page for all publications with DOI. Linking with other identifiers: If you already have a ResearcherID from Web of Science, you can link it with your ORCID iD.

If you have any other questions, please let us know! You can arrange an appointment via our web form.