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Publication fund

The Open Access Publication Fund of the Julius Maximilians University provides financial support for the publication of articles in open access journals and in hybrid journals with a transformation agreement as well as for the publication of open access monographs.

The university board has introduced a new funding model for Open Access publications. This applies to all articles that are accepted for publication by the publisher as of January 1, 2024. In addition, Open Access monographs can also be funded from the Publication fund as of 2024.

Which publications are eligible for funding via the Publication Fund?

  • Articles in pure Open Access journals
  • Articles in journals with an Open Access option if a transformation agreement has been finalised with the respective publisher.
    See: Conditions according to publisher
    • Please note: These articles are billed to the corresponding author via the Publication fund, even if you do not select the Open Access option!
  • Open Access monographs (For details see below in the section "Funding for Open Access Monographs")

How will the costs be allocated?

  • The entire publication costs for articles are initially paid from the Publication Fund.
  • Subsequently, the responsible corresponding author is invoiced by the university for the author's own share.

How is the author's own share for articles calculated?

  • Authors' minimum share: 600 EUR
  • Authors' maximum share: 1,500 EUR
  • Calculation: 600 EUR minimum share + (1/3 of the total costs (= article fee + VAT) - EUR 600), capped at 1,500 EUR
    • Example:

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Total costs (incl. Tax)


Author´s own share

500 EUR

595 EUR

Minimum 600 EUR

595 EUR

1,000 EUR

1,190 EUR

600 EUR + (1,190-600)/3

797 EUR

2,000 EUR

2,380 EUR

600 EUR + (2,380-600)/3

1,193 EUR

3,000 EUR

3,570 EUR

600 EUR + (3,570-600)/3 = 1,590 EUR,
capped at 1,500 EUR

1,500 EUR

6,450 EUR

7,675.50 EUR

600 + (7,675,50-600)/3 = 2,958.50 EUR,
capped at 1,500 EUR

1,500 EUR

What are the general requirements for funding APC's from the Publication Fund?

  • The journal has to comply with the strict quality assessment procedures recognised in the respective subject. You can find eligible Open Access journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) .
    Articles in open access journals that are not listed in the DOAJ will only be funded if they fulfil our internal quality criteria. Please ask us about this !
  • You are the corresponding author of the publication and work/study at the University of Würzburg (including the University Hospital). The publication in question has to be the result of your work at the University of Würzburg (including the University Hospital). A lectureship is not considered sufficient for funding. In the case of multiple authorship, the majority of the scientific work has to originate from the University of Würzburg (including the University Hospital).
  • The article must be published under a CC BY licence. Another CC licence (e.g. CC BY-NC) may only be selected for legally compelling reasons.
  • Bank charges, handling fees or costs for supplementary material are not subsidised. This means that these costs will be charged in full when the author's own share is invoiced.
  • A reference to your projects funding in accordance with the requirements of the research funder is mandatory. This is crucial for future Open Access funding.

Which Open Access publications cannot be funded via the Publication Fund?

  • Articles in journals with an Open Access option, if there is no transformative agreement with the respective publisher of the journal. (conditions according to publisher):
    • In this case, no costs can be covered by the Publication Fund!
  • Articles that are not research or review articles, e.g. conference reports, editorials, ...
  • Essays and articles in edited volumes or proceedings

How does invoicing via the Publication Fund work?

  • Please ask us if you are not sure whether your publication will incur any costs.
  • With many publishers, we are informed directly about the submission and acceptance of an article that is linked to the University of Würzburg. In this case, we will contact you promptly with information about the extent of your own share and the further process. We will not invoice you for your own share until we ourselves have received and settled the publisher's invoice. In some cases, this may be several months after the acceptance of the article, as we sometimes will only receive collective invoices on a quarterly basis.
  • In some cases, we are not informed directly by the publisher that an affiliated article has been accepted. If you receive the publisher's invoice yourself, please forward it immediately by email to
  • When submitting an article, please always provide the VAT number of the university (even if you are a member of the Würzburg University Hospital):
      • VAT DE 134187690
  • In addition, you should also only use the address of the University of Würzburg for submissions and billing.
  • Members of the University Hospital should use the following address:
    • Universität Würzburg
      -Your Name-
      Sanderring 2
      D-97070 Würzburg

Funding for Open Access Monographs:

The funding of Open Access publication costs for monographs is possible from January 1, 2024. In order to qualify for funding, it must be the first publication of the corresponding Open Access monograph or Open Access anthology. Funding is also available for dissertations that were written at the University of Würzburg and graded summa cum laude. Translations, new editions, publications with an embargo ("Delayed Open Access") or publications that are released for "green" Open Access are excluded from funding. Free access to the digital version of the publication is granted immediately upon publication.

Terms and Conditions

  • The corresponding author or main editor must be a member of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU). The affiliation to JMU must be mentioned in the publication. In doing so, the affiliation guidelines must be followed.
  • Funding amount : Maximum EUR 5,000 with an author's own share of minimum EUR 600
  • The publication is clearly labelled as an open access publication in all formats and editions and appears under a CC BY or CC BY-SA licence. In the case of edited volumes/anthologies, all contributions have to be published under these licences. Authors and editors must grant the publisher simple/non-exclusive - instead of exclusive - rights of use.
  • The publication must have a persistent identifier, preferably a DOI. The PDF of the digitised copy being published must be tagged with metadata.
  • The publication has undergone a quality assessment procedure recognized in the respective field. The publisher in question must comply with the quality standards defined by the "AG Universitätsverlage". Further proof of qualification can be a DOAB listing or membership of OASPA .
  • Only costs arising from the production of the Open Access book are eligible for funding (Book Processing Charges (BPC)), i.e. typesetting, layout, costs of making the book open access and costs for quality assurance of the publication. Costs incurred for a non-OA publication are not eligible for funding. These include, for example, costs for a printed edition of the monograph published in parallel.
  • The Open Access fee and any additional costs must be transparently listed on the invoice or presented in the publisher's cost calculation. Ideally, two comparative offers should be provided.
  • The applying author must ensure that there is no double funding.
  • Supplementary funding, e.g. for printing costs or costs that exceed the funding amount, is possible.