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Horizon 2020 and more

Horizon 2020, BMBF, DFG & Co.

The BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) encourages researchers funded by the BMBF to publish Open Access. There is no commitment. You can apply for funding of publication fees as part of a project.

Further information:

The DFG (German Research Foundation) encourages researchers funded by the DFG to publish Open Access. There is no commitment. You can apply for funding of publication fees as part of a project. The limit is 750 EUR per year.

Further information:

Publications and project results of Horizon 2020 project have to be stored in the publisher or Post-Print-Version in a repository upon publication. Moreover this version has to be published Open Access.

There are two ways to do this:

  • You publish in an Open Access journal (“Gold Open Access”) or an article with Open Access option.
  • You publish the version stored on a repository within 6 month Open Access (“Green Open Access”). For humanities and social sciences an embargo period up to 12 month is permitted. Therefore please check the license agreement before submission. The platform SHERPA/ROMEO provides a clear overview on the terms and conditions for self-archiving in various journals.

If your project is funded in Horizon 2020, you need to give a proof of the Open Access publication of the publisher’s version or of the postprint. An upload on our institutional repository OPUS Würzburg is the easiest way to fulfil this requirement, as it automatically transfers the record of publication to the EU-platform OpenAire.

Publication charges for Open Access publications should be a part of your application. An application for Open Access publication charges is not possible subsequently. Publication charges may vary, we recommend to calculate with an average of 2.000€ per publication. Of course, we will be happy to assist you with a more precise calculation.

Further information:

Horizon 2020 will be replaced with Horizon Europe (2021-2027) in the spring of 2021.

Horizon 2020 will be replaced with Horizon Europe (2021-2027) in the spring of 2021. There is an ongoing mandate to ensure open access to publications and research data arising from funded projects. Immediate Open Access is required for all Horizon Europe-backed publications that have undergone a peer-review process. In contrast with Horizon 2020, there is no longer an embargo period of 6-12 months for an article to be made Open Access.

Research results from Horizon Europe-funded projects can be published via the Open Access publishing platform Open Research Europe. Articles, which have not been published elsewhere, undergo an open peer review, with the author being able to recommend reviewers of their choice. All article versions from pre-print to final version will be published via the platform and fulfil the ERC’s Open Access mandate. There are APCs of 780€ per article but these are covered in full by Horizon Europe (FAQs).

SHERPA/JULIET gives a non-binding overview on the Open Access policies of research funders.