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Open Access

Open Access publishing

In its Open-Access-Policy the University of Würzburg declares itself in favour of Open Access publishing. It has also signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access for Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.

What is Open Access publishing?

Open Access publishing means that: 

  • Your publication is publicly available online around the world and free of charge.
  • Your publication can be read, downloaded, copied, printed and used by others – all within the framework of copyright, licenses and good academic practice.
  • You retain usage rights to your publication.

How does Open Access publishing work?

You have the following options:

  • Publish an article in an Open Access journal. All articles in the journal are freely available.
    Our publication fund offers financial support for the publication of Open Access Articles.
  • Publish an article in a journal that offers an Open Access option, i.e. only certain articles in the journal are freely available.
    Special conditions: We will be happy to inform you about special conditions for Open Access option of particular publishers and about the DEAL contracts.
  • Store a previously published article on our OPUS Würzburg publication server.
    This allows you to publish your article again (self-archiving/secondary publishing).
  • Publish an Open Access book.
    You can publish with the Würzburg University Press or with another publishing house.
    The Publication Fund can also support you financially with the publication of your Open Access book. Please contact us for more information.

If you have further questions on Open-Access-Publishing:

We will be happy to provide advice not only on our publication fund, Würzburg University Press and OPUS Würzburg but also on many other topics, e.g.:

We will be happy to help with any questions about Open Access publishing. You can arrange an appointment here. Also we will be happy to hold information events for your department or institute.