Deutsch Intern
  • Studierende lernen in der Gruppe
University Library

Places to study

Computer workstations without reservation

In the Main Library and many of our departmental libraries you will find computer workstations where you can search our catalogue and databases. Here you have access to our electronic media.

Members of the University of Würzburg log in with their JMU Account an. Interested persons from the city and region and students of the THWS log in with their UB number and password for the computer workstations.

Free study spaces

You can see the current occupancy of the non-reservable study spaces in the Main Library and the departmental libraries in our traffic light system. This gives you a quick overview of the occupancy of our locations.

Study spaces with reservation

You must confirm these bookings again on site at the beginning of the appointment.

Main Library

Individual and group work spaces with reservation

You must confirm these bookings again on site at the beginning of the appointment.