Deutsch Intern
  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library

Phrasensuche "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"


Try the catalogue. First enter "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" with quotation marks in the free search. How many hits do you get in our catalogue?
Now search for the standardised term "Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von" in the "Subject terms" field. Notice how many relevant hits were not found by the first search. Subject terms describe the topic of the book.

How does this work? The first search did not return any hits that include only "Johann W. von Goethe", "the writer Goethe", etc.

Tip: When searching for persons, use the standardised term in the respective database. You will find this in the detail view for a relevant hit. If you are looking for literature about a person, enter the standardised term in the "Subject terms" field. Depending on the search portal, the field may also be named "Relevant person" or "Subject". If you are looking for literature by a specific author, use the "Author" field.

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