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  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library

Finding search terms

To get the best hits, you need to use the right search terms. This video (in German only) shows how to find suitable search terms on a topic and what you need to consider.

Give it a try

Now search for suitable search terms on your topic. Open the concept diagram and print it out if necessary:
Concept diagram (PDF, 145 KB)

  1. Enter your topic. What are your key concepts, i.e. the central aspects of your topic?
  2. Add further terms such as synonyms, generic terms or sub-terms to your concept diagram. Thesauri or relevant (online) dictionaries can help you with this.
  3. Academic search engines often use a particular language to describe literature. In our catalogue, the keywords are in German. Other databases use English terms, for instance. Translate your terms.