Deutsch Intern
  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library


Finding current articles in databases

Do you have a specific or current topic? Do you want to search for articles and papers specifically? Databases are the right research tool for this purpose. There you will find the appropriate bibliographical references and, in some cases, the corresponding full texts.

Finding the right database

The Database Information System (DBIS) provides access to our licensed and freely available online databases. These are sorted by subject. The most important databases for a particular subject area are listed under the TOP databases.

From bibliography to text

If the journal or book is available in printed form, you can use the SFX button or the "Check availability" button to access the full text or search the catalogue. If what you are looking for is not available in Würzburg, you can create an interlibrary loan order.