Deutsch Intern
  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library

The University Library in 30 minutes

Welcome to the University Library!

We provide answers to questions you might have as a new student:

  •     How does the University Library work?
  •     How can I borrow books?
  •     How can I use e-books?
  •     Where can I study by myself or as a group?
  •     Where can I scan, copy and print?

After a short presentation, we will take you on a (photo) tour through the Main Library.

Dates: In the course catalogue. The course is held online via Zoom. We will send you the access link by e-mail shortly before the start of the event. You missed the dates for University Library in 30 minutes? No problem. Alternatively, you can explore the library in 30 minutes with our smartphone rally.

Target group: New students and people from the city and region

Registration: Via WueStudy. If you are not studying or working at the University of Würzburg, you can register via e-mail.

Meeting point: The online events will take place via Zoom. We will send you the access link by e-mail shortly before the start of the event.