Deutsch Intern
  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library

Courses on literature management and citation

Literature management programmes such as Citavi, EndNote and Zotero support you in collecting and managing literature references and in writing your work in Word.

We offer online courses that you can attend from home as well as face-to-face courses in our course rooms in the Main Library. There you can use our computers or also bring your laptop.


Citavi: Overview in 90 minutes (online seminar)

Note for Mac users: Citavi runs only on Windows. Citavi Web is not in the licence of the University. To use it on a Mac, install a virtualisation solution.


Zotero: short and compact (online seminar)

Quoting, not plagiarising

Quoting, not plagiarising (online seminar)