Deutsch Intern
  • Schulungssituation im Schulungsraum im Erdgeschoss der Zentralbibliothek
University Library

Legal aspects of citation and publishing

The workshop for doctoral candidates and scientists answers the following questions:

  • Which legal framework should be followed when quoting and publishing?
  • How do I proceed if I want to copy or edit illustrations, tables, graphics, photos etc. from other publications in my publication?
  • How do I deal with personality rights in pictures?
  • How do I set the correct license information when using content under Creative Commons licenses?
  • How do I limit whether it is a quote or a revision?
  • What do I need to know about the Copyright Clearance Center?

Lecturer: Christian Schmauch is a jurist. He specializes in copyright law and supervises law at the University Library.

Date: 08.09.2022, 9-11

Location: online (zoom)

Registration via Research Academy or by mail:

Course language: German