Deutsch Intern
  • Spezial-Buchwiege des Digitalisierungszentrums mit Elfenbein-Codex,
University Library

Price list for reproductions


Original size 100%, JPEG 300 dpi, color, sRGB, ICC color profile  
Repro standard
Basic charge
0,50 € per scan
5,00 €
Repro-prints (opening angle 120°-180°)
Basic charge
1,50 € per scan
6,00 €
Repro-Max (flat formats (graphics, maps) to A1, covers)
Basic charge
5,00 € per scan
6,00 €
Repro-XXL (flat large formats over A1)
Basic charge
18,00 € per scan
6,00 €
Repro-Extra (manuscripts, incunabula,
damaged works, opening angle below 120°)
Basic charge
3,00 € per scan
(from 11th scan 2,00 €)
6,00 €

Microfilm / Microfiche
Prerequisite: presence of a microfilm / microfiche
Basic charge
0,40 € per scan
6,00 €

Image excerpts, special recording perspectives,
conservationally problematic originals,
digital post-processing, other formats
For each half hour started 35,00 €
On request individually agreed

Cost of the issue

Delivery of the scans (all delivered in color)  
E-mail dispatch / download included
Printout DIN A4 0,40 € per page
Printout DIN A3 0,60 € per page