Deutsch Intern
  • Spezial-Buchwiege des Digitalisierungszentrums mit Elfenbein-Codex,
University Library

ESA materials

What materials can I include in my electronic reserve collection (ESA)?

For copyright reasons (see Section 60a of the German Copyright Law (UrhG)), only articles from specialist academic journals and small sections of works (15% of the total scope) can be included in electronic reserve collections. Articles from newspapers and general-interest magazines (such as Der Spiegel or Focus) may not be included. Before creating your collection, please ensure that the texts you have specified meet the copyright restrictions stated above. Cumulative requests for individual chapters of a monograph are not permitted if this exceeds the limitations on overall scope. For more information on the new copyright regulations, see the Information Technology Centre site. We will be happy to answer any questions.

Printed texts are excluded, as are articles and sections from sources not available in the Würzburg University Library collection. If you cannot find a title, you can recommend it for acquisition by the University Library.

Digitisation requests cannot be submitted for titles available online (e-books, electronic journals)..