Deutsch Intern
  • Teilbibliothek Zahnklinik
University Library

Dental clinic

Dental Clinic Departmental Library


In the departmental library, you will find specialist literature on dentistry. The entire departmental library collection can be searched via the catalogue.

The shelf marks of these items start with "317/".

The departmental library is a reference library, which means that items can usually only be used on site. All lending conditions (weekend and overnight loans) are summarised on a separate page.

You will find a large collection of study-relevant literature available for loan in the Hubland Main Library.


Access to specialist databases for literature searches, internet access (hospital network and university network, not available to external users),  Wi-Fi (library and CIP pool), copier, printing via Information Technology Centre account.

The dental clinic building has an elevator leading to the library. Our staff will be happy to assist you if you need books from the upper shelves.



Specialist information


Department head and subject librarian

Dr. Diana Klein

Subject librarian for medicine, chemistry and pharmacy
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd (UB)
Room: 107

Departmental library employees

Uta Eichhorn

Building: Pleicherwall 2
Room: 2219

Get in touch with us at any time, in writing, by telephone, by e-mail or via our contact form.