Deutsch Intern
  • Teilbibliothek Wirtschaft
University Library

Business Management and Economics

Departmental Library for Business Management and Economics (TBW)


In the departmental library, you will find specialist literature on business management and economics. The entire departmental library collection can be searched via the catalogue.

The shelf marks of these items start with "800/".

Borrowing opportunities

  • The media of the departmental library can be borrowed regularly. Please take the books out of the shelves yourself. We book the media at the service desk.
  • The loan periods are the same as at the main library.
  • Extending the loan period can be done via your user account.
  • Detailed information about the lending services.

Media marked with a red location mark cannot be borrowed.
A valid library card or student ID for the current semester is required for borrowing materials.

Return of borrowed media

Books borrowed from the departmental library can be returned to the departmental library or to the return terminals in the Main Library. The two terminals on the outside of the Main Library building (about 50 meters to the right of the entrance in the direction of the Mensa) are also available outside opening hours.

Please send returns by mail as a package to: Teilbibliothek Wirtschaft Sanderring 2, Raum 184, 97070 Würzburg. The date of receipt of the mail is decisive for the timely return.

Department head and subject librarian

Kerstin Diesing

Subject librarian for Business & Economics
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd
Room: 108


Margit Jeßberger

Building: Sanderring 2
Room: 183

Katja Skorupinski

Building: Sanderring 2
Room: 183

Get in touch with us at any time, in writing, by telephone, by e-mail or via our contact form.