Deutsch Intern
  • Teilbibliothek Recht
University Library


Departmental Library for Law


In the branch library you will find the borrowable media of the law textbook collection (shelfmark ‘80/’), as well as a partially borrowable collection of specialised legal literature (shelfmark ‘250/’).
Some of the holdings are stored in stacks. You can recognise these media in the catalogue by the shelf marks ‘252/’, ‘254/’ and ‘253/’.  Stacks with shelf marks ‘252/’ and ‘254/’ can be ordered in the catalogue using the ‘I would like to have this’ button. The stacks with shelfmarks beginning with ‘253’ are periodicals. You can order these by e-mail to or via a list at the information desk.



You can recognise whether you can borrow books by the stickers attached to the top of the spine:
- Green stickers ‘80’: can be borrowed without restriction
- White stickers ‘250’: can be borrowed, the number of possible loans may be limited depending on the user group
- Yellow sticker ‘250’: can only be borrowed by academic staff of the university
- Red sticker ‘250’: cannot be borrowed
You can borrow the media labelled green and white yourself from our self-checkout machines.
Media labelled yellow must be checked out by staff at the information desk.
You can renew your borrowed media yourself via the catalogue in your user account.

Journal volumes and booklets cannot be borrowed.
A valid library card is required for borrowing.
Returning borrowed media
Books borrowed from the Departmental Library can be returned independently at the self-checkout machines in the Departmental Library or at the return terminals in the Central Library at Hubland. The two return terminals on the outside of the Central Library building (approx. 50 metres to the right of the entrance towards the canteen) are also available outside opening hours.

Please send returns by post as a parcel to:
Law Library, Old University, Domerschulstr. 16, 97070 Würzburg. The date of receipt is decisive for the timely return of items.



WiFi, multifunctional copiers, Book2net scanning station, earplug vending machine


Study desks

A total of 400 study desks are available, including 294 laptop workstations with sockets, 3 computer workstations with Internet access (only via library card) and 1 research station (electronic catalogue).

Via the TB Law you can also access the CIP pool of the law faculty with further computer workstations for law students. The CIP pool is located behind reading room 1.


Group study rooms

The law library offers 6 group study rooms for student work groups, three of which are equipped with whiteboards.

The study rooms can only be booked by JMU students. They can be booked a maximum of four days in advance.
Please confirm your booking within 15 minutes after using the room, otherwise the booked period will be cancelled.

Further important information can be found in the reservation portal under "Please read and note".

Reservation of group study rooms



Unfortunately, you are not allowed to take jackets and bags (including laptop bags) into the law library. Exception: You may use transparent bags to transport your work materials.

Lockers can be found in front of the law library for storing your bags and jackets. You need a 2-euro coin to use them. Please note that in the interest of everyone, the lockers may not be occupied overnight.

Remember not to leave valuables in the lockers. Please do not use any "replacement chips" for the 2-euro piece, as this can damage the lock, for which you will then be held liable.


Permanent lockers

The law departmental library offers students the opportunity to receive one of a total of 125 long-term lockers for one semester. The lockers are located in the hallway in front of the Dean's Office. The permanent lockers are issued shortly before the start of the semester. We will announce the exact date and the issue modalities well in advance by posting notices in the  library.

Bulky items, e.g. musical instruments, suitcases, folding boxes or open baskets must remain outside.
There is also an open cloakroom at your disposal. This is equipped with chains to which you can attach items using a padlock you have brought with you.


Food and beverages

It is not permitted to take food into the library.

You are welcome to take non-alcoholic drinks to your study desk in leak-proof, sealable containers, but please do not pour them into open containers (e.g. cups).

House rules of the University Library


In reading room 2, there is a workstation with a height-adjustable table top and office chair for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.



Specialist information


Department head and subject librarian

Christian Schmauch

Subject librarian for Law
Building: Domerschulstr. 16
Room: 126

Departmental library employees

Thomas Barth

Building: Domerschulstraße 16
Room: 126

Ruth Bärtlein

Building: Domerschulstraße 16
Room: 126

Marion Freund

Building: Domerschulstraße 16
Room: 128

Harald Scheller

Building: Domerschulstraße 16
Room: 126

Christine Schön

Building: Domerschulstraße 16
Room: 126

Bernhard Werner

Building: Domerschulstraße 16
Room: 129

Get in touch with us at any time, in writing, by telephone, by e-mail or via our contact form.