Deutsch Intern
  • Teilbibliothek Physik
University Library

Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science and Media

Departmental Library for Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science and Media


In the departmental library, you will find specialist literature on physics, astronomy, computer science and media communication. The entire departmental library collection can be searched via the catalogue.

The shelf marks of these items start with "750/". There are separately listed special collections entitled "Didactics of physics" (751) and "IT reference collection" ( 710, located in the departments).

The following conditions of use apply to the departmental library:

  • Jackets and non-transparent bags are not allowed in the library. Please use the locker system in front of the library.
  • The use of learning workstations and computer workstations is possible without reservation.
  • The multifunctional copier can be used.
  • The two group workrooms can be used by student working groups.

Lending possibilities

Lending for students and external library users from the city and region:
maximum 5 books, loan period 14 days

Lending of lecturers

  • for lecturers of the institutes involved in the Departmental Library: loan period 6 months
  • for lecturers of other institutes: loan period 4 weeks

A valid library card of the University Library or a student card of the current semester is required for borrowing.

Return of borrowed books

Borrowed books can be returned to the departmental library during opening hours.

Study and computer workstations

The use of study spaces and computer workstations is possible without reservation.

Copying, printing, scanning

The multifunctional copier (for copying, printing or scanning) may be used. You will need a USB stick to save scans and print them out.

The departmental library is a reference library, which means that items can usually only be used on site.

You will find a large collection of study-relevant literature available for loan in the Hubland Main Library.

Learning workstations

In the departmental library you will find 109 study spaces as well as two computer workstations with Internet access

Group study rooms

The library offers two group study rooms for student working groups.


Access to specialist databases for physics, astronomy, computer science and media communication, Internet access, Wi-Fi, multifunctional copier.

What can I bring with me?

You can use transparent bags to transport your work materials to the departmental library. You are not allowed to bring jackets and other bags (including laptop bags) into the library. You may bring your notebook and your muted smartphone.

Non-alcoholic drinks in lockable containers are allowed in the departmental library, but not open drink containers and food.


Jackets, coats and non-transparent bags may not be taken into the library, but can be stored in lockers outside the entrance area. Please bring your own padlock (shackle thickness ideally 6–7 mm) and remember to empty your locker in the evening.

A limited number of permanent lockers are available to students of the University of Würzburg. The library reserves the right to open lockers that have been occupied overnight without authorisation and to treat items stored in them as lost property.

Department head and subject librarian

Frank Blümig

Subject librarian for Physics, Technology and Natural Science (gen.)
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd (UB)
Room: 016


Mandy Weinmann

Building: M1, Hubland Süd
Room: E10

Subject librarians

Dr. Viola Hämmer

Subject librarian for Pedagogy, Psychology and Media Communications
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd (UB)
Room: 022

Kristina Hanig

Subject librarian for Mathematics and Computer Science
Building: Hubland Nord, G. 64
Room: 00.321A

Get in touch with us at any time, in writing, by telephone, by e-mail or via our contact form.