In the departmental library, you will find specialist literature on mathematics. The departmental library also has a large collection of mathematical textbooks and literature on the didactics of computer science.
The entire departmental library collection can be searched via the catalogue. The shelf marks of these items start with "700/".
Lending options
Lending for students and non-university library users from the city and region: maximum 5 books, loan period 14 days
Loan for lecturers:
- for lecturers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science: loan period 6 months
- for lecturers from other institutes: loan period 4 weeks
A valid library card of the University Library or a student card of the current semester is required for borrowing books.
Computer workplaces
The computer in the departmental library cannot be used.
Copying, printing, scanning
The multifunctional copier (for copying, printing or scanning) may be used. You will need a USB stick to save scans and print them out. A disinfection dispenser is available on site to disinfect your hands before and after use.
The exhibitions in the departmental library can be visited during opening hours. The duration of stay in the departmental library is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes.
Current exhibition: Johann Christian Lotter (1856-1936). An inventive Franconian manufacturer of drawing instruments. Impressive compasses sets made by Johann Christian Lotter from Neustadt a. d. Aisch are presented. Information can be found at
The departmental library is a reference library, which means that items can usually only be used on site. All lending conditions (weekend and overnight loans) are summarised on a separate page.
You will find a large collection of study-relevant literature available for loan in the Hubland Main Library.
Study desks
The departmental library has a total of 109 study desks on two floors, including 2 computer workstations with Internet access and 1 height-adjustable workstation. All study desks are equipped with sockets and are therefore suitable for laptops.
Group study room
Unfortunately, there is no group study room in the departmental library. However, there is a room in the same building (no. 00.105) that can be used as a group working room for mathematics students.
Access to specialist databases for literature searches, Internet access, Wi-Fi, multifunctional copier, Book2net scanning station
Jackets and bags may not be taken into the library. Lockers are available outside the departmental library. Please bring a €2 coin with you to use a locker and remember to empty your locker in the evening.
Career Service, Hubland Nord, Josef-Martin-Weg 54.1, see also: Career Bibliothek
700/Sand.: Location Sanderring 2, Room 404, Phone: 0931/31-81048, Opening hours
Information can be found on the webpage of KIS (Kontakt- und Informationsstelle für Studierende mit Behinderung und chronischer Erkrankung).
Department head and subject librarian
Kristina Hanig
Get in touch with us at any time, in writing, by telephone, by e-mail or via our contact form.