Deutsch Intern
  • Teilbibliothek KGG
University Library

Cultural, historical and earth sciences

Departmental Library for Cultural, Historical and Earth Sciences (TB KGG)


In the departmental library, you will find specialist literature on geography, history, cultural studies of East and South Asia, art history, pedagogy and Slavic studies. The entire departmental library collection can be searched via the catalogue.

The shelf marks of these items start with "480/" and "407/". Collections in departmental libraries of the Institute for Art History start with the shelf mark  "490/".


There will be considerable restrictions due to construction site noise and damage following water ingress.

Use of books in storage

Due to renovation work, the holdings from 480/BO 4025 to 480/KI 5481 as well as from 480/LI 27506 to 480/LI 89900 is temporarily out of storage. You can temporarily order required media from this section by mail ( Please state your user number when ordering by e-mail.


Please bring your own padlock (shackle thickness 6-7 mm) to lock your locker and remember to empty your locker in the evening.

The following special conditions of use apply:

Access to the departmental library

  • Study workstations are available without prior reservation.
  • You are not allowed to take jackets or bags with you.
  • Lockers are available in front of the departmental library. Two multifunctional copiers and the Book2net scanning station can be used in self-service.

Lending possibilities

  • The media of the departmental library can be borrowed on a regular basis. Please take the books out of the shelves yourself. We book the media at the departmental library counter.
  • The loan periods correspond to those of the Main Library.
  • You can renew items yourself via your user account.
  •  More information on lending.
  • Special guidelines apply to the lending of tests. They are exempt from self-service loan.

Media marked with a red location mark, such as journals, cannot be borrowed. This also applies to items that require special protection for conservation reasons.

A valid library card or student ID for the current semester is required for borrowing items.

Return of borrowed media

Books borrowed from the departmental library can be returned to the departmental library or to the return terminals in the Main Library. The two terminals on the outside of the Main Library building (approx. 50 m to the right of the entrance in the direction of the Mensa) are also available outside opening hours.

Please send returns by mail as a package to: Universitätsbibliothek, Leihstelle, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
The date of receipt of the mail is decisive for the timely return.


Study desks

A total of 170 study desks are available. There are eight research PCs with Internet access. 116 study desks are equipped with sockets. A height-adjustable desk for ergonomic work can be find on the ground floor.


Access to specialist databases for literature searches, Internet access, Wi-Fi, multifunctional copiers, Book2net scanning station

Digitised card catalogues

Part of the Slavic studies collection has been archived with shelf marks beginning ‘102/’ and indexed in a digitised card catalogue (PDF, 12,30 MB). Literature on the politics of the states in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union has been archived with shelf marks beginning "97/" and can be found in a digitised card catalogue (PDF, 65 MB).These items can be ordered from the University Library catalogue using the "Offline order" button.


Jackets, bags (including laptop bags) and food may not be taken into the departmental library. Lockers are available to store your belongings. Please bring your own padlock (shackle thickness 6–7 mm) and remember to empty your locker in the evening. Permanent lockers are also available in the departmental library.

Permanent lockers

The permanent lockers are located in front of the library entrance. Keys for permanent lockers can be reserved via the University Library catalogue. The lockers can be used for up to three months. If nobody else has reserved a permanent locker, you can keep the locker for another three months. This can only be extended once. Lockers are only available to students of the University of Würzburg. You will need a padlock (shackle thickness 6-7 mm).

To reserve a key via the University Library catalogue, proceed as follows:

    Open the catalogue and log in.

    Change the departmental library (under "Limit search", "Current branch") to "TB Kultur-, Geschichts- u. Geowiss."

    Search Title(s) for "Dauerschliessfach".

Study desks accessible for wheelchair users can be found on the first floor and basement level of the library. The connection between the two floors is not wheelchair accessible (winding staircase). However, there is a separate entrance to the basement; please contact the library staff if you need assistance.

Further information can be found on the webpage of KIS (Kontakt- und Informationsstelle für Studierende mit Behinderung und chronischer Erkrankung).

Department head and subject librarian

Dr. Anne Schmid

Subject librarian for Ancient Near Eastern studies, Archaeology, Art, Cultural Studies of South and East Asia, Egyptology and Slavic Studies, Ethnology and German Studies
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd (UB)
Room: 011


Amelie Duclouet

Building: PH1, Hubland Süd
Room: 6/U/3b

Karin Neeser

Building: PH1, Hubland Süd
Room: 7/E/19

Carina Neugebauer

Building: PH1, Hubland Süd
Room: 6/U/3b

Bettina Schmidt

Building: PH1, Hubland Süd
Room: 6/U/3b

Wolfgang Schmitz

Building: PH1, Hubland Süd
Room: 7/E/20

Additional subject librarians

Dr. Viola Hämmer

Subject librarian for Pedagogy, Psychology and Media Communications
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd (UB)
Room: 022

Christian Malzer

Subject librarian for Ancient History, History
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd (UB)
Room: 127

Maximilian Stintzing

Subject librarian Earth Sciences
Building: Z4, Hubland Süd (UB)
Room: 128
Mobile: -

Get in touch with us at any time, in writing, by telephone, by e-mail or via our contact form.