Deutsch Intern
University Library

Scanning and publishing

Need scans?

You are not allowed to copy materials used in the Special Collections Reading Room. Where possible, we will do this for you. Reproductions can be ordered by filling in an application.  

Want to publish something from a scan?

If you want to publish a scan, we must grant approval (see sections 9 and 25 of the General Regulations for the Use of Bavarian State Libraries (Allgemeine Benützungsordnung der Bayerischen Staatlichen Bibliotheken)) and will charge a fee in certain cases in line with the Bavarian Cost Law (Bayerisches Kostengesetz). You must name the source and shelf mark in your publication and provide us with a copy. For commercial publications and publications via publishing houses, we will conclude a contract with you regarding rights, conditions and fees.

If you have any questions, just let us know!