Deutsch Intern
  • Durantis, Guilelmus: Rationale divinorum officiorum. I.t.f.602
University Library


Incunabula are ...

… the oldest prints with moveable type to have been published between the introduction of Gutenberg’s letterpress in 1450 and 31 December 1500.

Our collection of incunabula

  • Aproximately 3,000 incunabula
  • Largely from monasteries
  • Often with original cover
  • One of our outstanding pieces is the first print from Würzburg dating from 1479 (Breviarium Herbipolense, printed by Georg Reyser)

How are incunabula indexed?

Incunabula can be found in separate, nationwide catalogues, not in the University Library catalogue. Our incunabula are all included in the INKA incunabula catalogue. INKA is the world’s largest freely available incunabula database for German libraries. Its records include the specific features of each copy of each volume.

The following databases are also useful when searching for incunabula:

How can I use incunabula?

You will need to submit a written application (PDF, 363 KB), with an academic reference and present your ID or passport.