Deutsch Intern
  • Durantis, Guilelmus: Rationale divinorum officiorum. I.t.f.602
University Library

Collection of book bindings

Our collection of book bindings

Here you will find books with particularly beautiful and valuable covers.

  • Around 500 items
  • Prints from the 16th century to the present day
  • Covers made from various materials (wood, parchment, leather, coloured paper)
  • Most items from the region (e.g. the Julius Echter court library)

Where can I find the collection of book bindings

The whole book cover collection is listed in the University Library catalogue. To find titles in this collection, search the catalogue for the shelf mark "35/E". The details of the cover can be found in a footnote below the shelf mark on the "Copies" tab.

How can I use books from the collection?

Prints from the collection may only be viewed in the Special Collections Reading Room. A written application (PDF, 363 KB) must first be submitted. Please bring your ID or passport.