Deutsch Intern
  • Zentralbibliothek Panorama
University Library


Psychological tests are available in the departmental library for psychology, the Wittelsbacherplatz departmental library and the departmental library for cultural, historical and earth sciences.

Special regulations apply to the use and lending of tests. Tests may only be viewed and borrowed within the context of research and teaching.

Tests must be returned in full. Questionnaires, protocol sheets, etc. included in the tests must not be filled in. Please note that you may have to wait a little when returning tests, as they will be checked for completeness. This may take several minutes, particularly for test cases.

Test materials may not be copied or reproduced electronically.

Borrowing tests

Tests can be borrowed by:

  • Lecturers at the University of Würzburg
  • University students who have written confirmation from a faculty professor or an employee of the Institute of Psychology or the Institute for Special Needs Education
  • Tests in the departmental library for psychology can be borrowed by psychotherapists in training within the WAPP continuing education course in psychological psychotherapy.

Lending period: 2 weeks

You may borrow a maximum of five tests at any time. The lending period cannot be extended. If you do not return a test on time, we will send you a return request that will incur a fee.

Courses at Wittelsbacherplatz

Students on the Special Needs Education programme can borrow tests without the need for written confirmation as described above.

Viewing tests in the departmental library

Tests can be viewed in the departmental libraries KGG and Psychology. Students and lecturers at the University of Würzburg are entitled to view tests. Viewing tests is not possible in the departmental library Wittelsbacherplatz.


1.Searching for test procedures:
  • In the catalogue, enter "Test collection" in the "Free search".
    This returns hits for test procedures and not for literature on tests.
    If you run this search without further specification, you will find all tests available in the Würzburg University Library.
  • "Test collection" can be combined with title words or subject headings (e.g. "intelligence test").
  • You can also search for the test itself (e.g. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Hamburg-Wechsler-Intelligenztest für Kinder) or for the test abbreviation (HAWIK). However, this search will return the test itself as well as manuals and literature about this test.
2.Searching for manuals/literature about tests:
  • Use the catalogue search screen to look for title words or subject headings (e.g. Münsteran Screening). You will find manuals, literature about tests and test procedures.
  • Alternatively, select ‘Classification (RVK)’. Enter CT* (stands for "Tests"). This search also returns the tests themselves and relevant literature.