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University Library

Mandatory deposits

The Bavarian tradition of the right to mandatory copies dates back to 1663. It was last regulated by the "Act on the Right to Mandatory Copies" (Gesetz über die Ablieferung von Pflichtstücken) of 6 August 1986. By requesting mandatory copies from commercial publishers and self-publishers, the aim is to create and preserve a comprehensive collection of a substantial part of the cultural property arising in Bavaria.

Publishers must deliver two copies of each item published in Bavaria to the Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek). The library retains one copy and passes the second copy on to a different Bavarian library depending on the region or subject matter. As the library responsible for mandatory copies, the Würzburg University Library receives a copy of all Lower Franconian publications.

Mandatory items intended for Bavaria can also be delivered to the Würzburg University Library.

Copies must also be provided to the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek), which also specifies the delivery of two copies.