Electronic Journals Library: Access requirements
Access requirements
General information
Access to fee-based full-text journals to which the Würzburg University Library has subscribed is generally managed via the IP address of the requesting computer. Please note that proxy servers must be switched off. If you are using a computer at the University of Würzburg, all you need to do is click on the journal title in the list.
The following IP-addresses are authorised in almost all cases:
132.187.*.* (university network)
141.27.*.* (hospital network)
Terms of use and copyright provisions
Special terms apply to the use of fee-based electronic services such as electronic journals, databases and e-books. Please check the copyright provisions and terms of use of the relevant publishing house or editor, which are usually provided on the publishing house’s servers. To access these services, you must comply with the terms and provisions.
In general, the following applies:
- Access to full texts is granted to University of Würzburg members only.
- The full texts of articles/ chapters may only be printed or saved for personal use and for teaching and research purposes.
- Systematically downloading articles, chapters or search results, in particular using robots, is prohibited. Failure to comply with these terms and provisions may result in the entire campus being denied access to the publisher’s server!
- Electronic or printed copies of articles/ chapters may not be passed on to third parties.
- The commercial exploitation of search results is prohibited.
Access restriction
American Mathematical Society
The access for the following journals is only possible from the university net (IP-area 132.187.*.*).
- Mathematics of Computation
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
- Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
The access to "Arznei-Telegramm" is only possible in the pharmacy (University medical center). External access is not possible.
China Perspectives
The access for "China Perspectives" is only possible from the university net (IP-area 132.187.*.*).
Development (Company of Biologists)
The access the journal "Development" is only possible from the university net (IP-area 132.187.*.*). External access is not possible.
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)
External access to the journal "Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)" is not possible.
Journal of Clinical Orthodontics
Access to "Journal of Clinical Orthodontics" is only possible from 25 registered IP-Adresses. Please use the form on the website, as Account Owner E-Mail enter diana.klein@bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de.
Museum aktuell
For access to "Museum aktuell" credentials are required. Access is possible from the following IP adresses only:
The computers with this IP adresses are located on the ground floor of the departmental library AGR.
To get the credentials please contact the administration office of the departmental library or the E-Journals-Team.
NBER Working Papers
The access to"NBER Working Papers" is only possible in the university net (IP: 132.187.*.*).
The access to
"Lettere Italiane"
"Rivista de Storia e Letteratura Religiosa"
is only possible in the university net (IP: 132.187.*.*).
Studi Musicali
The access to"Studi Musicali" is only possible in the university net (IP: 132.187.*.*).
WPg online
Access is only possible after personal registration within the university net.
ZfBB - Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie
Online access to ZfBB (from 2003 onwards) is only possible from the staff PCs in the central library.
Access to electronic journals: alphabetical list
General Information
By accessing and using the full text content you agree to be bound by the terms of the Licence Agreement.
In order to improve access to digital resources for German universities, research institutions and academic libraries, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) has provided funding for national licences since 2004 and "Allianzlizenz" (alliance licence) since 2011. More information for Nationallizenzen see: nationallizenzen.de.
If you have access problems, please contact our helpdesk.
AGU Journals (American Geophysical Union)
Online access national consortium "AGU Journals" is organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
AIAA Meeting Papers and Journals Archive 1963-2007
Nation wide access to the AIAA Meeting Papers and Journals Archive 1963-2007 is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
AIP Digital Archive 1930-2013
Nation wide access to the AIP Digital Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection Series
Nation wide access to the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection Series is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
American Chemical Society Legacy Archives 1879-1995
Nation wide Access to the ACS Legacy Archives is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology. Access to this journals is granted within our institution's network.
American Chemical Society
Within the scope of a Bavarian consortial agreement more than 27 electronically available journals of the American Chemical Society since year 1996 can be used free of charge from all members of the Würzburg University.
American Physiological Society (APS): Journal Legacy Content (1898 – 1997)
Nation wide access to the Journal Legacy Content is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German Central Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
By accessing and using the full text content you agree to be bound by the terms of the License Agreement.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO): Journal of Clinical Oncology (1983 – 1998)
Nation wide access to the Journal of Clinical Oncology Legacy Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German Central Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Annual Reviews Online
Access to the Annual Reviews Online as a German consortium is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
The Digital Archive is offered as German national licence financed by DFG.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
APS Digital Backfile Archive 1893-2003
Nation wide access to the APS Digital Backfile Archives is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology. Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Within the scope of a consortial agreement most of ACM Digital Library publications can be used free of charge from all members of the Würzburg University.
Available are numerous journals (ACM Journals, Magazines and Transactions), ACM Conference Proceedings and SIG Newsletters.
Beck online
Within the scope of a consortial agreement most of the electronically available journals as well as statute books, comments and handbooks of the publishing house C.H. Beck can be used from all members of the Würzburg University in the university net. Access via remote access (f. ex. via VPN) is not available for Beck online.
List of all available modules.
Beck Online (full text database)
Beck-Online is a juridical database licensed by Würzburg university library. It provides access to numerous journals of Beck publishing house.
List of all journals cited in Beck Online.
Beltz/ Juventa / Hebis Konsortium
Access for the Würzburg University Library is made possible via the HEBIS consortium and by the University Library.
Biochemical Society Journals (Portland Press)
Nation wide access to the Biochemical Society Journals is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology. Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Nation wide access to BioOne Online Journals is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library. Access to these journals is granted withing our University network. Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles 1879-2005
Nation wide access to Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
BMJ Journals
Online access to this product is provided as part of a Publish & Read national consortium and organized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. The archive volumes are available within the framework of a DFG-funded national license. The volumes before 2006 are actually not part of the license, but are currently freely available due to the publisher's Open Access policy.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
BMJ Journals Online Archive
Germany-wide access to the archives of the journals of the publisher BMJ Publishing Group is made possible by funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and organized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. The volumes before 2006 are not part of the national license, but are currently freely available after free registration due to the open access policy of the publisher.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
BMJ Journals Online Collection
Access to the product „BMJ Journals“ is provided within the scope of the Priority Initiative “Digital Information” by the Alliance of German Science Organisations with financial support of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and is organized by Bavarian State Library.
The Digital Archive is offered as a German national licence financed by DFG. Volumes older than 2006 are not part of the licence but are freely accessible due to the Open Access policy of the publisher.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Brill Journal Archive Online
Nation wide access to Brill Journal Archive Online is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
British Periodical Collection I
Nation wide access to British Periodical Collection is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Cambridge Journals Digital Archive
Nation wide access to Cambridge Journals Digital Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Cambridge Journals (Open-Access-Transformationsvertrag)
Access to this product is DFG supported within the "Open Access Transition Agreements" and is organized by Bavarian State Library.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.)
Nation wide access to the Central and Eastern European Online Library is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library Munich.
From October 1st, 2018, access is only possible for individuals with personal registration until further notice.
CEPR Discussion Paper Series
The CEPR Discussion Paper Series product provides access to current economic publications from the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) published in 2024. During the term of the national license, there is also reading access to the archive (if it is available in digital form). In terms of content, the collection includes current research results of the economics.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual access via a university network or an academic library is not available. Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
China Academic Journals (CAJ)
Nation wide access to the product "China Academic Journals (CAJ) is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual access via a university network or an academic library is not available.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Columbia International Affairs Online
German-wide access to the database Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Crystallography Journals Online IUCr Backfile Archive 1948-2001
Nation wide access to the IUCr Backfile Archive is financed and provided by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology. Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Current Digest of the Russian Press, The (Digital Archive) (via Eastview)
Each week, the Current Digest of the Russian Press presents a selection of Russian-language press materials carefully translated into English. The translations are intended for use in teaching and research. They are therefore presented as documentary material, without elaboration or commentary, and reflect the opinions and views of the original authors and not the publisher of the journal.
Germany-wide access is made possible by funding from the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München as part oft he specialist information service (FID) Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
De Gruyter online / Economics Konvolut Wirtschaft
The national consortium "De Gruyter Economic-Journals" is organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
De Gruyter online / HSS Journals Konvolut
The national consortium "De Gruyter HSS Journals Konvolut A und Konvolut B" („Read only“-Modell with „Subscribe to open“-components („S2O“)) is organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
De Gruyter online / Research Now E-journals
Nation wide access to De Gruyter online / Research Now E-journals (formerly Berkeley Electronic Press Academic Journals) is organized by German National Library of Economics (financed until February 2014 by Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft). Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Donetsk and Luhansk Newspaper Collection (via Eastview)
The database contains 10 rare newspapers from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.
Germany-wide access is made possible by funding from the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München as part oft he specialist information service (FID) Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
EBSCO Volltextdatenbanken: Business Source Premier SocINDEX with Fulltext und Communication and Mass Media Complete
Journals marked as “via EBSCO host” are part of EBSCO databases, which is available from within the university network. Beside tables of contents and abstracts, Business Source Premier provides many fulltext articles. Some of the journals fulltexts however are not provided until a “embargo period” of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months is expired.
Further information to Business Source Premier get here.
Further information to SocINDEX with Fulltext get here.
Further information to Communication Mass Media Complete get here.
Economist Historical Archive (1843-2006)
Nation wide access to the Economist Historical Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbiblitohek Göttingen.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Editoria Italiana Online (EIO) Periodici
Nation wide access to EIO Periodici is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library Munich.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Eighteenth Century Journals II : Newspapers & Periodicals 1699-1812
Nation wide access to EIU-Country Reports Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
EIU-Country Reports Archive
Nation wide access to EIU-Country Reports Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German National Library of Economics.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Elsevier (DEAL)
The University of Würzburg will participate in the Germany-wide DEAL contract with the publisher Elsevier from 2024 to 2028.
The pricing model during the contract period is not based on the costs of subscription journals as before, but on publication-based billing. For each article published in Elsevier subscription journals, a publish-and-read fee is charged, which covers the costs for the publish and read components listed below.
All members of the University of Würzburg will have permanent access to all Elsevier journal content from 2024-2028. During the contract period, there will also be access to most content from 1997 onwards.
Elsevier Ebook Collection
The e-book package contains nearly 1000 titles, which are made up of the backlist (1949-2006) and the frontlist (2007-2008). The collection includes several series (Book Series) and handbooks (Handbooks) as well as numerous monographs (Books).
Nationwide access to the eBooks Mathematics is made possible by the support of the German Research Foundation and organized by the Johann Christian Senckenberg University Library in Frankfurt am Main.
Some of the series are documented in the EZB.
Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect 1934 - 2002
Nation wide access to the Elsevier Journal Backfiles on ScienceDirect is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
As part of a Bavarian consortium agreement (2004-2016), access to more than 550 journals published by Elsevier (including Academic Press, Saunders, Mosby, Churchill Livingston) from 1995 onwards was made available to all members of the University of Würzburg.
For numerous Academic Press journals, the previous agreement provides archive access for the years 1995 to 2003.
As part of a consortium agreement, 200 Emerald journals can be used free of charge by all members of the University of Würzburg.
The "Emerald Management 200" package contains 200 of the most used, peer-reviewed e-journals from the various Emerald e-journal collections. The journal content covers various specialist areas such as marketing, engineering or information and knowledge management.
Emerald Fulltext Archive Database 1994 - 2014
Nation wide access to the Emerald Fulltext Archive Database is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by University Library of Cologne and the Social Science Information Centre (IZ), Bonn.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
There is also access to e-books (Emerald BME eBook Series Archive) from the years of publication 2012 - 2013 from 50 series from the social sciences.
EMS Journals Archive (1999-2010)
Nation wide access to the EMS Journals Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Endocrine Legacy Archive, The 1917-2003
Nation wide access to 'The Endocrine Legacy' is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German Central Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network. If you have access problems, please contact our helpdesk.
Fachinformationsdienst Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung
Nation wide access to "Education week : American education's newspaper of record" is provided as part of the funding program "Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft" with financial support from the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and organized by "Fachinformationsdienst Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung".
Industry and Higher Education
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
Learning and Teaching
Intered Extra Collection (Mark Allen Group - MA Education)
Policy Reviews in Higher Education
Fachinformationsdienst Linguistik
FID Linguistik provides access to two subscription-based e-journals published by John Benjamins Publishing: the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (IJCL) and the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (IJLCR). Both journals focus on empirical language research. They publish articles on current topics in the field of Corpus Linguistics as well as new findings and innovative approaches in the areas of General Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. The FID licence facilitates a campus-wide access to the current volumes at more than 50 universities in Germany. The entire IP network of the respective institution has been activated for the use.
Access to these journals is granted within our university's network.
Fachinformationsdienst Mathematik
Online access to "Fachinformationsdienst Mathematik" is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Göttingen State and University Library.
Access to these journal is granted within our institution's network.
Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie
Journals included in "Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Pharmazie" are available for pharmaceutical scientists at universities. A registration as individual user is required. Some titles are without registration.
Fernzugriff der ZB Med Köln
The journals are accessible via remote access oft he ZB Med Köln. You need a or a virtual user card for remote access only
More informations for the ZB Med remote access. There you can find the application form.
List of all journals , available via Remote Access of the ZB Med Köln.
In LIVIVO, the ZB MED-Suchportal für die Lebenswissenschaften, the ZB MED remote access is integrated in the titellist.
Financial Times Historical Archive 1888–2006
Online access to the Financial Times Historical Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Gerritsen Collection, The
Nation wide access to The Gerritsen Collection Database is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Access to these journals is granted within your institution's network.
Hogrefe & Huber Medizin Journals / Hebis Konsortium Hogrefe
Access for the Würzburg University Library is made possible via the HEBIS consortium and by the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg Frankfurt.
Hogrefe PsyJournals Archive
Access to the Hogrefe PsyJournals is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) (Open-Access-Transformationsvertrag)
Online access to this product is provided as part of a national consortium and organized by the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)). Access to the journals contained therein is activated in the university network. The contract also includes an open access component for a limited number of articles.
IGI Global InfoSci Journals Archive
Nation wide access to the 'IGI Global InfoSci Journals Archive' is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German National Library of Economic.
Access to these journals is granted within our university's network.
Informa Healthcare Digital Archive 1896-2008
Nation wide access to the 'Informa Healthcare Digital Archive 1896-2008' is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German Central Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
IOP Historic Archive 1874-2013
Nation wide access to the IOP Historic Archive 1874-1996 is financed and provided by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology. The archive extension of the years 1997-2013 is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and co financed and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology. The archive extension of the year 2013 and the IOP Turpion Archive until 2011 were financed and organized by the TIB German National Library of Science and Technology.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Izvestija Digital Archive (1917-1999)
Nation wide access to the Izvestija Digital Archive (1917-1999) is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library Munich.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Access to JSTOR as a German consortium is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
The UB Würzburg has only acces to the Arts & Sciences Collection I-VII. Arts & Sciences I-VII includes journals in languages and literature, as well as essential titles in the fields of music, film studies, folklore, performing arts, religion, and the history and study of art and architecture.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Juris (full text database)
Journals marked as “via Juris” are a part of Juris-database which is available from within the university network.
List of all journals cited in Juris.
Karger eBooks Collection Archive
Germany-wide access to the product "Karger eBooks Collection Archive" is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Karger Journals Online
Access to the product „Karger Journals Online“ is provided within the scope of the Priority Initiative “Digital Information” by the Alliance of German Science Organisations and is organized by Bavarian State Library.
The Digital Archive is offered as a German national licence financed by DFG.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Karger Zeitschriften
Access to the Karger Zeitschriften as a German consortium is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Kluwer Law Journals
Nation wide access to the Kluwer Law Journals is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Libert on Line Archive (-2005)
Nation wide access to the Mary Ann Liebert On Line Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German Central Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
By accessing and using the fulltext content you agree to be bound by the terms of the Licence Agreement.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 'LWW Legacy Archive' Jg.1 - 2004
Nation wide access to the LWW Legacy Archive Database is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German Central Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
By accessing and using the fulltext content you agree to be bound by the terms of the Licence Agreement.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Literarische Expressionismus Online
Nationwide access to the database “Der Literarische Expressionismus Online” is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Access to these journals is granted within our institution’s network.
Literaturnaja Gazeta Digital Archive (1929-2011)
Nation wide access to the Literaturnaja Gazeta Digital Archive (1929-2011) is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library Munich.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Making of the Modern World: Economics, Politics and Industry
Nation wide access to the Making of the Modern World is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by State and University Library of Göttingen.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Nation Digital Archive, The
The Germany-wide access has been financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
The Publish & Read consortium negotiated by MPDL and TIB for the years 2025-2028 includes reading rights for the full Nature portfolio. This includes Nature, 38 Nature-branded research journals and 27 Nature Reviews journals.
Nature Archives 1869 – 2009
Nation wide access to the Nature Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB).
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
New Republic, The
Nationwide access to The New Republic Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution’s network. For access problems please contact our local helpdesk.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Nexis Uni (full text database)
Journals marked "via nexis" or "via lexisnexis" are part of the Nexis Uni database accessible from the University of Würzburg network.
Further information to "Nexis uni"
List of all journals / newspapers cited in Nexis uni in the EZB.
List of all journals / newspapers cited in Nexis uni in DBIS.
Oxford Journals Digital Archive
Nation wide access to the Oxford Journals Digital Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
Periodicals Archive Online / PAO 1802-2000
Nation wide access to the database Periodicals Archive Online is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Online access nation wide to hte PNAS is organized through Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) organisiert.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Journals that are accessible via the Portico platform are no longer offered on the website of the original publisher. In order to ensure permanent access to electronic journals and eBooks licensed by us, the University Library of Würzburg offers access to Portico.
Access to the magazines contained is only possible from the university network of the University of Würzburg or via VPN.
Pravda Digital Archive (1912-2009)
German-wide access to the Pravda Digital Archive (1912-2009) is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Primary Sources for Slavic Studies (PSO)
Nation wide access to the "Primary Sources for Slavic Studies" is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
ProQuest One Literature / LION (full text database)
Members of the University of Würzburg can access the full texts of numerous journals in the ProQuest One Literature database.
More informations ans serach in DBIS.
List of all journals in EZB
PSYCARTICLES (full text database)
Journals with the annotation "via Ebsco host" are contained in the full text database "PsycARTICLES" of the American Psychological Association.
This database is available in the whole university net.
Further information for the contents of "PsycARTICLES"
List of all journals cited in Psycarticles.
Psychiatry Legacy Collection Online Journals 1844-1996
German-wide access to 'Psychiatry Legacy Collection 1844-1996' is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German Central Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
By accessing and using the fulltext content you agree to be bound by the terms of the Licence Agreement.
Publishers Weekly Digital Archive
Germany-wide access to the full-text database "Publishers Weekly Digital Archive" is provided as part of the funding program "Specialized Information Services for Science" with financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and is organized by Fachinformationsdienst for Book, Library and Information Science (FID BBI) and Fachinformationsdienst for Anglo-American Culture (FID AAC).
Quintessenz-Verlag / Quintessence Publishing
Campus-wide access to the German and English language journals is available in the University of Würzburg’s university network.
RSC eBook Collection 1968-2009
Nation wide access to the RSC eBook Collection is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology.
RSC Journals Super Archive
Nation wide access to the RSC Journals Super Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Russian Islamic studies(via Eastview)
The Universal Database of Russian Islamic Studies consists of a collection of periodicals and newspapers about Islam published in Russia in the Russian language. Produced in Moscow, Grozny, Makhachkala and Ufa, these publications cover Islamic studies in Russia, activities of Islamic organizations in Russia and abroad, and political and economic developments in the Muslim regions of Russia. The database is regularly updated with current editions, but also has an archive. Some titles date back to 2007-2010.
Germany-wide access is made possible by funding from the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München as part oft he specialist information service (FID) Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Sage Journals Archive
Germany-wide access to the Sage Journals Archive is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany can make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via a university network or an academic library is not available.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Sage Journals Online Premier
Access to the product „Sage Journals Online – Premier“ is provided within the scope of the Priority Initiative “Digital Information” by the Alliance of German Science Organisations with financial support of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and is organized by Bavarian State Library.
The Digital Archive is offered as a German national licence financed by DFG.
Access to these journals is granted within our university network.
Science 1880-1996
German-wide access to Science Classic Archiv 1880-1996 is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) Hannover.
Access is granted within our institution's network.
Scientific.net: Materials Science & Technology / Trans Tech Publications Archiv 1984-2008
German-wide access to Trans Tech Publications Archiv 1984-2008 is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) Hannover.
Access is granted within our institution's network.
SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics )
Members of the University of Würzburg can access current journal titles from SIAM as part of a consortium.
Springer/Nature (DEAL)
From 2020 to 2022, the University of Würzburg will participate in the Germany-wide DEAL contract with the Springer Nature publishing house.
The price model during the contract period is not based on subscription magazine costs as before, but on publication-based billing. For every article that is published in Springer Nature's subscription journals, a so-called publish-and-read fee is charged, which covers the costs for the publish and read components mentioned below.
All members of the University of Würzburg have permanent access to all Springer magazine content from 1997.
Further information on DEAL-Springer-Nature-Contract: https://www.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschen-publizieren/open-access/sonderkonditionen/deal-vertrag-mit-springer-nature
Springer Online Journal Archives 1860-2002
Nation wide access to the Springer Online Journal Archives is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Taylor & Francis Business Management & Economics Archive - 2000
Germany-wide access to the Taylor & Francis Business Management & Economics Archive - 2000 is made possible by funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and organized by theDeutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ZBW).
The archive includes 40 journal titles from the Business, Management & Economics Online Archive collection up to and including the year 2000.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Taylor & Francis Online Archives (1799 - 2000)
Nation wide access to the Taylor & Francis Online Archives is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by TIB German National Library of Science and Technology.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Taylor & Francis SSH
From 2024, the University of Würzburg will participate in the open access transformation agreement negotiated by the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics. As part of this consortium, members of the University of Würzburg can access current Taylor & Francis journal titles from the SSH Collection.
Thieme-Transformationsvertrag (Open Access)
The ZB MED, the Forschungszentrum Jülich and eight other specialist libraries have signed a transformation contract with the Thieme Group. As part of the agreement, which will come into effect on January 1, 2021, authors from the participating institutions will be given the opportunity to publish original work open access in four international Thieme journals at no additional cost. The offer includes the titles „International Journal of Sports Medicine“, „Pharmacopsychiatry“, „Thrombosis and Haemostasis“ und „Methods of Information in Medicine“. Thieme had already reached a similar agreement in 2019. The pilot project was initially limited to the use of the journal „Hormone and Metabolic Research“.
List of journals
Thieme Zeitschriftenarchive -2007
Nation wide access to the ‘Thieme Zeitschriftenarchive -2007’ is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by German National Library of Medicine Cologne (ZB MED Köln).
By accessing and using the fulltext content you agree to be bound by the terms of the License Agreement.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Times Digital Archive 1785-1985
Nation wide access is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Göttingen State and University Library and Berlin State Library.
Times Literary Supplement Centenary Archive / TLS
Nation wide access is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Göttingen State and University Library and Berlin State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Ukrainian Publications (via Eastview)
The world's first database of newspapers and magazines of Ukraine (UDB-UKR) includes publications in Russian, Ukrainian and English. It covers a wide range of political, economic and cultural issues in Ukraine. A significant part of this database are the editions of the Ukrainian Book Chamber, which list all books published in Ukraine with a detailed bibliographical description. Germany-wide access is made possible by funding from the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München as part oft he specialist information service (FID) Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Universal Database of Social Sciences & Humanities (UDB-EDU)
Nation wide access to the Universal Database of Social Sciences & Humanities (UDB-EDU) is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Vestnik Evropy Online (East View Information Services BV)
Nation wide access is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Voprosy Istorii Complete Collection (East View Information Services BV)
Nation wide access to the Voprosy Istorii Complete Collection is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Bavarian State Library Munich.
Individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany may make a personal registration for free access via https://www.nationallizenzen.de/nl-registration-individual if access via an university network or an academic library is not available.
Walter de Gruyter Online Journals Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften - GS
Access is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen within the framework of the Priority Initiative “Digital Information” by the Alliance of German Science Organisations.
Access to these journals is granted within our institution's network.
Wiley (DEAL)
The University of Würzburg will participate in the Germany-wide DEAL contracts with the publisher Wiley from 2019 to 2028.
The pricing model during the contract period is not based on the costs of subscription journals as before, but on publication-based billing. For each article published in Wiley subscription journals, a so-called publish-and-read fee is charged, which covers the costs for the publish and read components listed below.
All members of the University of Würzburg have permanent access to all Wiley journal content from 1997 onwards.
Further information on the DEAL-Wiley contract: https://www.bibliothek.uni-wuerzburg.de/forschen-publizieren/open-access/sonderkonditionen/deal-vertrag-mit-wiley
Wiley Interscience
Within the scope of a Bavarian consortial agreement numerous electronically journals of the publishing house Wiley (including Blackwell, Munksgaard) can be used free of charge from all members of the Würzburg University. Most of the journals are available since 1997 in full text.
Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection 1832-2005
Nation wide access to the Wiley InterScience Backfile Collection is financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (German Research Foundation) and organized by Frankfurt University Library.
The journals "via wiso" are part of the WISO databases licensed by the University Library of Würzburg.
Not all full-text journals in the database are in the EZB; you can access all WISO journals via DBIS.