Deutsch Intern
  • Zentralbibliothek Panorama
University Library

Document delivery service for lectures

Document delivery service for lecturers and research assistants of the subjects:
Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, Medicine (only University, not UKW), Physics, Psychology and Economics

Here you can order journal articles that are not available at the University of Würzburg.

You will not incur any costs. The fees of the delivery services used (between 1,50 Euro for "not so urgent" to about 15 Euro for "very urgent") are paid from the literature budget of the respective subject.

Unfortunately, for legal reasons, we can usually only deliver printed articles - not PDFs. To receive a PDF, you would have to order the article yourself and send us the invoice (see below).

We cannot guarantee delivery times universally, as they depend on where the item is available. However, they are usually (between the order by the UB and delivery to the UB)

  • Very urgent: 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays,
  • Urgent: 72 hours, excluding weekends and holidays,
  • Not so urgent: 3 to 5 days, excluding weekends and holidays

You may also have items purchased independently (e.g., Subito invoices, direct purchases from the publisher's website) paid from the Literature Budget. Send your expense reimbursement to:

Order form (in German)

Erläuterung: Geben Sie im Feld "gewünschter Aufsatz" URL, Pubmed ID, DOI oder andere identifizierende Merkmale an.

If you have a list of items, please send your order by e-mail to