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  • Zentralbibliothek Panorama
University Library

Information for persons with disabilities & chronic disease

The main entrance (south entrance) to the Main Library is handicapped accessible.

There is a lift to the individual reading rooms in the Main Library. You will find a disabled-accessible toilet on the ground floor. The distances between the shelves in the reading rooms may not be sufficient for wheelchairs.

The underground car park under the Main Library is currently closed for renovation work. In future, a new lift will lead from the underground car park directly to the red square in front of the library. From there, the main entrance (south entrance) is accessible without barriers.

Further information

If you need any help, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Permanent lockers are available for people who use the Main Library a lot; these lockers can be used for a limited period.

Please contact the circulation desk administration for more information (Phone +49 931 31-85929, Mon - Thurs 8:30-16:00, Fri 8:30-12:30,

In the Main Reading Room 2 of the Main Library, the workroom 222 is reserved as a workspace for people with disabilities & chronic illness.

The room is well lit and has an in-house telephone, which you can use to contact our staff at the information  (phone 85906). You will receive the key for workroom 222 at the information on the ground floor.

If you would like to enlarge the screen of your laptop, a large monitor is available, which you can connect via an HDMI cable.

You can get the key for study room 222 at the information on the ground floor. The key will be booked to your library account when it is issued and must be returned on the same day, at the latest 15 minutes before the library closes. A fee will be charged for keys that are not returned.

The following special lending conditions apply to students with disabilities and chronic illness where medically justified:

  • The basic loan period for items available for loan from the Main Library and the textbook collection for law is extended from 30 to 60 days. If no one else has reserved an item, the loan period can be extended by another 30 days up to four times.
  • The loan period can also be extended by calling the Main Library’s circulation desk administration  (Phone +49 931 31-85929, Mon - Thurs 8:30-16:00, Fri 8:30-12:30 ).
  • For DVDs and videos (shelf mark beginning with "17/"), the basic loan period is extended from 7 to 14 days; further extensions are not possible.
  • Returnable items that have been ordered via interlibrary loan are subject to the terms of use of the relevant library.
  • In exceptional cases, special arrangements can be made with the circulation desk administration for short loans of reference collections from the Main Library.
  • When borrowing items from the departmental libraries, the conditions for "special loans" apply in accordance with the guidelines on the use of departmental libraries (PDF, 187 KB), the loan period is usually 14 days.
  • The library staff will offer assistance if needed, e.g. with removing books from shelves or if you call to find out whether literature is available.
  • You are responsible for observing the loan periods. If you do not return the items you have borrowed within the loan period, we will send you a return request that will incur a fee. Concessions are not possible.

With these special lending conditions, the University Library aims to create equal opportunities for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. In exceptional cases, however, these lending conditions may also be granted to persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses who are not enrolled at the University of Würzburg.

Please send your request for special lending conditions to the head of the User Services management team (Frank Blümig, Tel. +49 931 31-85946, Postal adress: Universitätsbibliothek, Abt. Benutzungsdienste, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg).

Application form (PDF, 111 KB)

Leaflet on special lending conditions (PDF, 38 KB)