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The name of the saint the martyrology of Jerome and access to the sacred in Francia, 627 - 827

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The name of the saint : the martyrology of Jerome and access to the sacred in Francia, 627 - 827

Lifshitz, Felice
Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2006 - XIII, 230 S.
ISBN 0268033757
Schlagwörter: Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius / Martyrologium
Schlagwörter: Frankreich / Kirchengeschichte 627-987
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Autor/Hrsg.:Lifshitz, Felice
Titel:The name of the saint
Untertitel:the martyrology of Jerome and access to the sacred in Francia, 627 - 827
Verlagsort:Notre Dame, Ind.
Verlag:Univ. of Notre Dame Press
Umfang:XIII, 230 S.
Serie/Reihe:Publications in medieval studies
Fußnoten:The Name of the Saint addresses these martyrological and calendrical materials in a manner accessible to non-liturgists. It is a study of the spiritual, social, and liturgical practices of reciting, inscribing, collecting, and bearing saints' names from the seventh through the ninth centuries. These practices, called in manuscript sources the sanctorum nominum festivitas, were extremely rare among Christians during the early middle ages, when most people preferred to access the realm of sacred power through other routes, such as the relics, images, and life stories of saints. Felice Lifshitz's study, based on careful analysis of manuscript martyrologies, sacramentaries, and calendars, reveals that those individuals who did embrace name-centered piety (such as Willibrord-Clement of Echternach and Witiza-Benedict of Aniane) had in common both close connections with the Carolingian family and a familiarity with the Martyrology of Jerome. Lifshitz's discussion of these neglected materials reveals the existence of alternative and under-appreciated routes of access to the sacred. It also situates the rise of these alternative practices in a particular political context and elucidates the history of the widely misunderstood Martyrology of Jerome. Medievalists will welcome this new way of thinking about early medieval spirituality and the place of saints and sanctity within that spirituality.
Schlagwörter:Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius / Martyrologium
Schlagwörter:Frankreich / Kirchengeschichte 627-987
RVK-Notation:BM 8170
RVK-Notation:BN 7500